¿Are you really in Charge of your life? ¡Take Control! (I’ll explain you How)
- Do you feel like you are living your life on autopilot?
- Are you making your decisions according to the expectations of others?
- Is it difficult for you to make decisions?
With all the external stimuli to which we are exposed, it can sometimes be very difficult to learn to make your own decisions and create a life that’s truly aligned with what’s important to you.
You must have a good job, you have to have some studies, earn a certain amount of money, partner, children … Sometimes it can seem that there is a marked life script that inevitably we all end up following.
The author Bronnie Wane in her book «5 Regrets of the dying», explains how, being a palliative nurse and having treated many people in the last days of their lives, she realized that the most common regret of these people was:
«I wish I had lived a life true to myself instead of the life that others expected me to live.»
Heartbreaking, right?
We all admire those people who are brave enough to follow their dreams and live congruent with themselves. Perhaps you have ever wondered how they do it? Either you’ve attributed it to something innate or just luck.
The reality is that this is something that you can train.
And much of this has a lot to do with the connection and awareness that you have with your values.
Your values are those emotions that are important to you to experience or avoid. They are what is important to you.
And these (along with your beliefs) are one of the greatest forces that direct your life.
Gaining that awareness and connection is the antidote to avoid regretting the life you’ve lived and to feel good every step of the way.
What’s important for you?
Write a list of things that are important to you.
An example of this could be:
Health, friends, family, integrity, adventure, personal growth, professional development, love …
Write yours and prioritize it.
Once you have your values in order, you will have a clear and prioritized list of what is most important in your life and what’s least important. It will help you make better decisions that will make you feel aligned with yourself.
Now feeling aligned is fine but:
What if your values don’t lead you to create the life you want to live?
What if there are values that are important to you now, but that your life would be better if they were different?
Well, that’s where it gets interesting. The values that you have now are still something that has been given to you, that you have probably unconsciously developed throughout your life.
The good news?
YOU can DECIDE your values, and now you are going to learn how to do it.
Gaining awareness about your values gives you insight into how you are creating the life you are creating, and living congruently with them is much better than making decisions that have nothing to do with you and what really matters to you in life.
However, the next step is to DECIDE what are the values that, if you give importance to them, will help you live the most extraordinary life you can live.
Ask yourself:
- What is the most extraordinary life you can imagine? Describe it in detail. Describe how you will know that you are living this life.
- With that done, what kind of person should you be to create this life?
- What would this person’s list of values be? Write it down and order it.
And that easy. PUM! You already have the list of values that will help you create an extraordinary life.
Obviously, this is just a guide.
You are the one who feeds these values every day of your life.
You are the one who decides to be in connection with them.
You are the one who, with each action you take in this direction, you are going to make it easier and easier for your next step to be in that same direction.
The important thing here is that you already have a compass that you know that if you start to follow and nurture, it will help you move towards a better life. The best you can live.
So far, today’s article!
Now I want to hear from you.
- What changes have you decided to make to your list of values?
- What is the action that you commit to doing differently to honor these changes?
I’ll love to read it in the comments!
I send you a big hug,